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Why honors

I’m in my second year at MNSU and the Honors program. This is also my second year studying abroad in the United States. The Honors program has impacted me in three ways, reflection, community involvement, and giving back.

Back in Taiwan we studied for one purpose only, get good grades. It didn’t matter what we were learning or how it impacted us. As long as it’s on the test we had to remember the information. The Honors program taught me to reflect on my work and how it relates to my personal life. One of our projects was about the reflection of the Dakota 38. For an Asian student who didn’t grew up in the United States this seemed very far reach and not important. After learning about the incident, I came to realize that reflecting on materials gave me the chance to learn from other’s mistakes and improve my owns. By reflecting I can grow even faster than I would otherwise just through making the same mistakes over and over again.

Community involvement is another big thing I’ve learned. I was always under the impression that I should keep my involvement to a minimum and focus only on my studies. The Honors community student positions showed me that in order for a community to run successfully, it’s crucial that everyone plays their part in the organization. The success I see in students that participate and run positions in the community had motivated me to take out my personal time and devote it towards the good of the team. I look forward in the future where I can be in these positions and influence the future Honor students.

I was really fortunate to be offered the Tischer Scholarship. This opportunity gave me the chance to pursue my dream in college while not worrying financially. Through the Honors program I was supported by other stranger’s generosity. This really taught me the significance og giving back and how much of an impact it can deliver. It’s also my goal to give back to the future Honor students the opportunities that I was given.

    I wish that the Honors program will further teach me how to become a more well-rounded scholar. Not just a student that studies, but a teacher that gives information and guidance. I will keep looking for answers beyond the textbook and implement it into my personal life. Professionally I wish the Honors program will push me in being a stronger candidate for my medical school application. The experiences and knowledge I gain through the program would benefit me greatly. 

I envision using my reflection skills and my other Honor competent in my medical career.  I feel as doctors usually they have a high sense of entitlement and don’t take advice from others. Through the Honors program I will continue to be a humble person and reflect on my own mistakes and improve. Benefiting my team and my patients.

Honors: Bio
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